Just Be 2025, Already
“Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL.” (Nancy Pelosi)
· Japan replaces Taiwan as the first technological, legal, and commercial defense line in the ASEAN Techno-Economic Theatre of War.
· Japan is re-arming its regional allies.
· President Putin can’t run for President, and a war, on empty.
· Where Angola leads, Nigeria may follow in the African Opexodus.
· “Stupid’s” Rake’s Progress illustrates the “choreographed decline and fall” of the “Ungoverned Kingdom”(UK).
· Speaker Pelosi has purchased Time Value, and the optionality, to leverage up her influence of the trial, by fire, of President Trump; to achieve an asymmetrical Presidential election outcome with Biden’s Intrinsic Value at an all-time low.
· Xi Jinping “influences” the US Presidential election by expressing his preference for American Dictatorship, rather than American Democracy, as a “Techno-Economic War” adversary.
· Xi’s global preference supports his domestic position.
· A “Friend-Shored Japan” will substitute for China’s Belt and Road.
(Source: the Author)
· The stronger US Dollar takes the “+” out of OPEC+.
(Source: the Author)
“Here’s something else America is leading the world in: oil production. This year, the United States pumped out more oil than any other country in history, producing millions more barrels than Russia or Saudi Arabia ever have and accounting for almost a fifth of the world’s total oil production. And the Biden administration played a part in making it happen.”
(Source: The Atlantic; December 20th, 2023)
· OPEC+ strategy extends the US Exorbitant Privilege and relative economic attractiveness/outperformance.
· US “Swing Producer Status” is a disinflationary tailwind for a soft landing.
(Source: the Author)
· The fire sale of African Crude, priced in US Dollars, to replenish depleted US Dollar Reserves, is “taking the + out of OPEC+”.
(Source: the Author)
· Secretary Cleverly, stupidly, pre-empts POTUS’s “’24 Leap of Faith”, thereby, effectively destroying all possibility of a free trade deal with the USA shortly.
· The Ungoverned Kingdom (UK) is “leaping” off the Great Wall of Worry onto the “uninvestable” side.
· Cleverly’s “stupidity” reprises the controversial UK Butler Model.
· The Butler is a Trojan Horse within G7.
· Cleverly’s “stupidity” risks transferring UK taxpayer revenues and intellectual property to China in addition to those being transferred to current “Friends-and-Family Shoring” recipients.
(Source: the Author)